CoinstrategistsJuly 8, 2024

What are nodes? In the article below, currency COINSTRATEGISTS will share different types of Bitcoin nodes such as full nodes, super nodes, mining nodes, and SPV clients to help you have a better overview!


Nodes are a system of nodes that help maintain the blockchain by storing and exchanging data. This is an essential foundation to build and maintain blockchain operations according to the peer-to-peer (P2P) principle.

Each node can undertake different functions and is always updated quickly to ensure network security. Node can be any electronic device such as a computer, phone, TV or printer. As long as they connect to the Internet and have an IP address, they can become a complete node.


Blockchain is designed as a distributed system of computer nodes, which is the foundation that helps Bitcoin operate as a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) digital currency. And do not rely on any intermediaries to conduct transactions between users, wherever they are in the world.

Nodes in the blockchain act as contact points capable of performing a variety of functions. Any device that connects to the Bitcoin network via its interface can be considered a node, with the ability to communicate with each other in different ways. These nodes transmit information about transactions and blocks in the distributed network using the Bitcoin peer-to-peer protocol. However, each computer node has different functions. So there are many different types of Bitcoin nodes.


Full nodes that support and secure Bitcoin, called full validation nodes, participate in transaction verification and consensus rules. They also relay new transactions and blocks to the blockchain, often downloading a full copy of the blockchain. However, an abridged copy may be used instead.

What are nodes?

What are nodes? To set up a full Bitcoin node through Bitcoin Core. And these will be the basic requirements to set up and maintain a full Bitcoin Core node. Include:

  • Desktop or laptop running the latest version of Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
  • At least 200GB free disk space.
  • Minimum RAM memory 2GB.
  • High-speed internet connection with upload speed of at least 50 kB/s.
  • The internet connection is not upload limited or limited. It also needs to be able to handle about 200GB/month upload traffic and about 20GB/month download traffic.
  • You need to download about 200GB of data when you start full nodes for the first time.
  • Your full nodes need to be active for at least 6 hours a day, preferably continuously (24/7).

Besides public nodes, there are also many hidden nodes that are not public (also called silent nodes). These nodes often operate over hidden protocols like Tor or are configured to not listen for connections, often for security or privacy reasons.



To mine Bitcoin in today’s competitive environment, users need to invest in special mining hardware and software.

These mining programs work in parallel to solve and mine Bitcoin blocks, without direct dependence on Bitcoin Core. Miners can choose to work independently (solo miners) or join a group (group miners).

While individual miners use their own copy of the blockchain, mining pools work together, each contributing their share of computational resources (hashpower). In a mining pool, only the admin of the pool needs to run full nodes, usually called full nodes of the mining pool.

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Super nodes, also known as listening nodes, are a type of public full node in the Bitcoin network. Super nodes mainly act as information redistribution points, maintaining communication with many other nodes and transmitting blockchain data and transactions. To operate effectively, super nodes need more computing power and stable Internet connections than hidden full nodes.

Lightweight node will query daily transactions.


SPV or light client applications, are applications that use the Bitcoin network without acting as full nodes. SPV clients do not keep a copy of the blockchain and do not participate in the transaction verification and confirmation process.

Instead, they rely on information from other full nodes to check whether the transaction is confirmed and included in the block.


Running a full node is completely different from running a full mining node. While miners need to invest in expensive mining hardware and software, anyone can run a fully validating node.

Miners need to collect pending transactions that have been accepted as valid by full nodes. They then create a candidate block and try to mine it. If they find a valid solution, they broadcast it to the network for other full nodes to verify the block’s validity.

Running a fully authenticated node does not receive a financial reward but is incentivized because it provides trust, security, and privacy to users. Nodes play an important role in protecting the blockchain from attacks and fraud.


What are nodes? Node is an important platform in blockchain to operate, store and validate transactions. With the knowledge Coinstrategists shared above, we hope readers can grasp the characteristics and functions of nodes in the blockchain. If you have any more questions related to this topic, please leave a comment below!

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Disclaimer: The information in the article does not constitute investment advice from Coinstrategists. Cryptocurrency investment activities are not recognized and protected by the laws of some countries. Digital currencies always pose many financial risks.

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